Balkans - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia
UN Sanctions
There is currently no sanctions regime in place against countries in the Balkan peninsula. There used to be a sanction regime against Former Yugoslavia in place which was terminated by resolution 1074.
EU Sanctions
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The EU sanctions regime against Bosnia and Herzegovina is based on "Consolidated text: Council Decision 2011/173/CFSP of 21 March 2011 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina."
It is a list-based regime consisting of the following restrictive measures:
Travel bans
Financial sanctions​ (asset freezing)
Note that currently there is no person listed as part of this regime.
Montenegro and Serbia
The EU sanctions regime against Montenegro and Serbia are based on the "Council Decision of 13 June 1994 on the Common Position defined by the Council on the basis of Article J.2 of the Treaty on European Union concerning the prohibition of the satisfaction of the claims referred to in paragraph 9 of United Nations Security Council Resolution No 757 (1992)."
These sanction regimes only impose the following restrictive measure:
Prohibition on certain claim satisfaction
U.S. Sanctions
In the late 1990s and early 2000s United States in line with UNSC resolution 1244, rolled out a sanction program vis-a-vis the situation in the Yugoslavia conflicts.
This program was initially based on E.O. 13219. Later in 2003, the President of the United States issued E.O. 13304 and terminated the national emergency declared in the previous executive orders yet kept certain restrictions in place. Those measures (asset freezing) are now codified under part 588 of Chapter V, Subtitle B of title 31 of CFR.
The tag associated with this program on the SDN list is [BALKANS]​.
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No UN sanctions against countries in Balkan