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Last week's major developments in sanctions - April 10th to April 14th, 2023

Monday, April 10

  • A California-based individual was sentenced to 48 months in prison for providing services, including financial services, to Iran and the Government of Iran, in violation of U.S. sanctions against Iran. (Here) The defendant provided support to a plot intended to kidnap an Iranian human rights activist living in the United States whom the Iranian Government has sought to silence for years.

Tuesday, April 11

  • France added three individuals to the country's list of sanctions targets under the French autonomous counter-terrorism sanctions. (Here) The three individuals are subject to asset-freezing sanctions in France.

  • The U.S. Department of State designated an individual as a specially designated global terrorist (SDGT) and as such imposed asset-freezing sanctions on that person. (Here, the Department of State's press release)

Wednesday, April 12

  • OFSI imposed asset-freezing sanctions on ten individuals and four entities under its Russia sanctions program. (Here, press release) The new sanctions mainly targeted those who have knowingly assisted sanctioned Russian oligarchs to hide their assets in complex financial networks.

  • In concert with OFSI, OFAC imposed asset-freeze sanctions on 34 individuals, 91 entities, and 19 vessels under the U.S. Russia sanctions program. The newly designated persons were facilitators or sanctions evaders helping Russia or sanctioned oligarchs. The sanctions targets have links to more than 20 countries. This is an indication the sanctions-imposing countries are increasingly focusing on those in countries other than Russia who continue supporting Russia or sanctioned persons under the Russia program. Concurrently, OFAC issued four general licenses and revoked one. (Here, the Department of the Treasury's press release, the Department of State's press release)

Thursday, April 13

  • France added two individuals to the country's list of sanctions targets under the French autonomous counter-terrorism sanctions. (Here) The sanctioned individuals are subject to asset-freezing sanctions in France.

  • EU added 2 entities to its list of sanctions targets under the EU Russia sanctions regime. One of the recently added entities, Wagner Group, was already subject to asset-freezing sanctions under the EU human rights program. (Here, press release)

Friday, April 14

  • OFSI issued general licensee INT/2023/2883496. The license allows certain transactions between Lithuanian Railways and Russian Railways related to passenger rail travel. (Here) OFSI also extended the validity of general license INT/2022/1280976 (Regulatory Authorities – Prudential Supervision, Financial Stability, Protection of Consumers or Integrity of The UK Financial System) through April 03, 2025. (Here)

  • OFAC imposed asset-freezing sanctions on two entities in China and five individuals, based in China and Guatemala, for supplying precursor chemicals to drug cartels in Mexico for the production of illicit fentanyl intended for U.S. markets. The new designations were made under the U.S. counter-narcotics sanctions program. (Here, the Department of the Treasury's press release, the Department of State's press release)

The Recommendation of the Week


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