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Last week's major developments in sanctions - December 30th, 2024, to January 3rd, 2025

Updated: Jan 6

First and foremost, I wish you all a happy new year. Second, I would like to thank you all for your continued support throughout 2024. The audience for “last week’s major development in sanctions” newsletter exponentially in 2024. If you find this newsletter useful, feel free to share it with those who might also benefit from it. (Link for subscription to the newsletter) Third, I was not able to write the weekly updates for the past couple of weeks since I was traveling extensively for different sanctions-related engagements but to keep you updated on major developments during this period, I put together a separate post (here) on the major developments of the last quarter of 2024.

Monday, December 30
  • France imposed asset-freezing sanctions on two individuals under the country's autonomous counter-terrorism sanctions regime. (Here)

Tuesday, December 31

Wednesday, January 1
  • There was no major sanctions-related development on this day.

Thursday, January 2
  • BIS issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) seeking public comment to inform the potential development of a rule to secure and safeguard the information and communication technology and services supply chain for drones. (Press release, and Federal Register’s ANPRM)

  • BIS published its annual Year in Review, which include several enforcement actions from the last year along with a wide range of actions BIS's Export Enforcement took over the course of 2024. (Here)

Friday, January 3
Recommendation for the week
  • This week, I would like to recommend FT’s article on how Assad moved 250 million dollars to Russia in a two-year period. (Here)



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