Monday, July 19th
- In an administrative move, EU renewed its so-called terrorist list for another six months. (Here) You can find out more about this autonomous list of EU by clicking here.
- OFSI issued a General License allowing an air carrier or aircraft operator to make payment(s) directly or via an intermediary to Belaeronavigatsia for air traffic services in an emergency. (Here)
- There may be more sanctions against China; this time under Cybersecurity programs. The U.S. and EU issued statements blaming the People's Republic of China for some recent cyber attacks. (U.S. statement, EU statement) Such statements hint that the western allies may impose more sanctions against China using their cybersecurity sanctions regimes.
- OFAC published information about two enforcement actions against two entities of one group. One was a $415,695 settlement with Alfa Laval Middle East Ltd., a company located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates that sells fluid handling and other equipment for the energy industry and other sectors, and the other was a $16,875 settlement with Alfa Laval Inc., a company located in Richmond, Virginia. The company has agreed to settle its potential civil liability for apparent violations of the ITSR on behalf of its former subsidiary (now an operating unit) Alfa Laval Tank, Inc., located in Exton, Pennsylvania. (Here)
Tuesday, July 20th - Seven individuals came out of the France autonomous sanctions lists after their six-month designation period expired.
- The U.S. Department of State imposed travel restrictions (a type of sanctions) against former Honduran President Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo Sosa (Lobo) and former First Lady Rosa Elena Bonilla Avila (Rosa Lobo) due to their involvement in significant corruption. (Here)
- OFAC issued General License 5G and postponed effective date of the authorization for all transactions related to, the provision of financing for, and other dealings in the Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. 2020 8.5 Percent Bond starting to October 21, 2021. (Here) OFAC also published FAQ 595.
Wednesday, July 21st
- OFSI added an entity to its list of sanctions targets under the UK's Belarus regime. (Here)
- A lot of sanctions talk, from Nord Stream 2 to Cuba, took place at the Department of State daily press briefing. (Here) Also, please take a look at the Joint Statement of the U.S. and Germany concerning Nord Stream 2. The Department of State held a dedicated briefing on this topic too. (Here)
Thursday, July 22nd
- OFSI added five individuals pursuant to its Global Anti-corruption sanctions. (Here) The OFSI move was welcomed by the U.S. Governments. (Here) OFAC later added one of those five individuals to its SDN list pursuant to the Global Magnitsky program. OFAC added Cuban Minister of Defense Special Forces Brigade to the SDN list. Both OFAC designations were related to Cuba. (Here, Department of State press release)
- An Iranian national living in Ontario pleaded guilty to violating the U.S. sanctions against Iran. (Here)
Friday, July 23rd
- OFAC announced a settlement with Payoneer Inc. , a York-based online money transmitter and provider of prepaid access. Payoneer agreed to remit $1,400,301.40 for several apparent violations. (Here)
Recommendations of the week
- One of this week's recommendation is a brief overview of upcoming changes in the EU AML/CTF setup. (Here)
- The Washington Post had an article about sanctions and their role in the U.S. foreign policy. You can find it here.
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