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Last week's major developments in sanctions - June 12th to June 16th, 2023

Monday, June 12

  • There was no major development on this day.

Tuesday, June 13

  • Canada imposed asset-freezing sanctions on two individuals under its Haiti sanctions regime. (Here)

Wednesday, June 14

  • OFSI updated the UK Maritime Services Ban and Oil Price Cap industry guidance by providing information on derivatives & futures trading, winddown periods, and the meaning of ‘as soon as practicable’ under the UK's sanctions regime against Russia. (Here)

  • OFAC updated three general licenses under the United States sanctions programs against Iran, Syria, and Venezuela that replaced expiring identical licenses with new licenses that are valid for longer. OFAC also updated its relevant factsheet on the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance and Trade to Combat COVID-19. (Here)

Thursday, June 15

  • France imposed asset-freezing sanctions on one individual under its autonomous counter-terrorism sanctions regime. (Here)

  • The United States imposed asset-freezing sanctions on two individuals involved in the procurement of equipment and materials that support the DPRK ballistic missile program. (Here, the Department of the Treasury's press release, and the Department of State's press release)

  • In an export control (export of arms) related development, the United States Department of State debarred ten persons for having been convicted of violating, or conspiring to violate, the Arms Export Control Act. By debarring, the State Department made the public aware that these ten individuals are prohibited from participating directly or indirectly in activities regulated by the ITAR. (Here)

Friday, June 16

  • Canada imposed asset-freezing sanctions on additional seven judges in relation to gross and systematic violations of human rights in different branches of Iran’s Revolutionary Courts. (Here)

  • OFAC imposed asset-freezing sanctions on five individuals and three entities for supporting the Hernandez Salas transnational criminal organization, a human smuggling organization in Mexico. (Here, and the Department of the Treasury's press release)

  • The United States Department of State imposed visa restrictions (a type of sanction) under Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act on Ugandan individuals believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic process in Uganda. (Here)

Recommendation of the Week


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