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Last weeks' major developments in sanctions - Apr. 18th to Apr. 22nd, 2022

Updated: May 5, 2022

For a detailed post about Russia-related sanctions developments you can check: Special Edition - New Sanctions Against Russia 🇷🇺

Monday, April 18th

  • The Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1518 (2003) (Iraq) removed the three entries from its Sanctions List of individuals and entities. (Here)

Tuesday, April 19th

  • OFAC issued General License 27 allowing a broad range of transactions in support of NGOs activities that would have been otherwise prohibited by the Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions Regulations. OFAC also published a Fact Sheet on licenses in place under its Russia sanctions program. (Here, press release)

Wednesday, April 20th

  • OFAC designated Transkapitalbank in Russia and several entities and individuals as part of a "sanctions evasion network." (Here, Treasury's press release) Concurrently, OFAC issued two general licenses:

    1. General License 28 which allows transactions involving Transkapitalbank that are ultimately destined for or originating from Afghanistan; and

    2. General License 29 which allows wind down activities involving Transkapitalbankthrough May 20, 2022.

  • The Department of State also took action and imposed several visa restrictions on individuals in Russia and Belarus. (Here)

  • OFAC published a new FAQ about credit cards payments related to cards issued by Russian Financial Institutions. (Here)

Thursday, April 21st

  • OFSI added 26 entries to its list of asset-freezing sanctions targets. (Here, press release) As stated by the UK government these sanctions targeted individuals outside of Putin’s military who are actively supporting his illegal invasion of Ukraine.

  • The EU Council added two individuals to the list of asset-freezing sanctions targets under its Russia sanctions regime. (Here)

  • The EU Council added eight individuals and four entities to the list of asset-freezing sanctions targets under its North Korea sanctions regime. (Here, press release)

  • OFAC published two enforcement actions:

    1. Newmont Corporation: A $141,442 settlement to settle potential civil liability for four apparent violations of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations because a wholly owned subsidiary of the company purchased Cuban-origin goods. ⚠️ A reminder that the non-U.S. subsidiaries of U.S. companies are considered as a U.S. person in Cuba program. ⚠️

    2. Chisu International Corporation: A $45,908 settlement to settle potential civil liability for four apparent violations of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations because it was involved in the purchase of Cuban-origin goods.

  • OFSI issued General License - INT/2022/1630477 to allow payments to Gazprombank or a Subsidiary for the purpose of making Gas available in the European Union. (Here) Reminder: Gazprombank was added to the list of asset-freezing sanctions on March 23, 2022.

  • BIS issued an order temporarily denying all export privileges for the Russian cargo aircraft carrier Aviastar due to ongoing violations of the comprehensive export controls imposed on Russia by the Commerce Department. Headquartered in Moscow, Aviastar provides a variety of cargo services to Russia. (Here)

  • The UK announced import bans on silver, wood products and high-end products from Russia including caviar and increased tariffs by 35 percentage points on around £130m worth of products from Russia and Belarus, including diamonds and rubber. (Here)

Friday, April 22nd

  • France added an individual to its list of sanctions targets under France's counter-terrorism sanctions regime. (Here)

  • Australia added dozens of individuals to its list of sanctions under its Russia sanctions program. (Here)

  • OFAC updated the entry of LAZARUS Group on the SDN list by adding three additional digital currency addresses. (Here)

  • The EU Council extended its Myanmar sanctions regime till April 30, 2023, and amended a number of listed entries under this program. (Here)


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